July 27, 2024

Housegirl Grace: Grace & Senator’s House of Adventures [S04E06] (18+)


Home » Housegirl Grace: Grace & Senator’s House of Adventures [S04E06] (18+)

Housegirl Grace: Grace & Senator’s House of Adventures [S04E06] (18+)

Grace had spent all day sulking when afternoon passed and the chief was still away.

She barely murmurs a reply when anyone asks her anything, she spent most of the day alone in her room only coming out to eat or to check if the Senator was back.

Grace wished she had his number so she could call him, if only she was more to him she thought to herself.

Scrolling through her messages she realized just how much she’s been ignoring the boys’ advances especially Buchi, she felt bad because he had bought the sexy lingerie that she loved so much and yet she hasn’t had time for him or even thanked him properly in person.

After going over it for a while she decided to go see Buchi and thank him for the lingerie, quickly she took off her polo shirt and wore the lingerie; tucking the excess into her trouser. Maybe she could surprise him after she thanked him.

She thought to herself as she ran her fingers on the silky material, Grace wore her polo shirt and headed out. She wasn’t sure where he would be and since he wasn’t online, she decided to ask some of the staff, after asking a couple of people one said they saw him heading inside after leaving the gym sweaty.

Grace headed upstairs to the boys’ floor, it had been such a long time she’s been in any of the rooms she thought as she went past Nina’s room.

As usual rap music was blasting from Buchi’s room, taking a deep breath she walked towards the room. She knocked softly and waited for a response when she didn’t get one, she pressed her ear to the door, she could hear the music but also some muffled sounds coming from inside. She knocked softly again before letting her curiosity get the better of her.

Grace slowly turned the door handle, and when it clicked she pushed the door open slowly grateful that the doors don’t creak loudly when opened.

As she peered in the sight in front of her made her mouth fall to the ground, Buchi was on his bed ramming hard and fast into someone bent over in a doggy position. She could hear the sounds they were making better, Grace couldn’t see the lady but could see she was wearing a polo which means she was one of the staff sending her curiosity up to the room.

Grace wanted to see more and she didn’t know how long she would stand peeping outside before someone passed and saw her so against her better judgment she pushed the door wider and tiptoed inside before gently closing the door behind her.

Now that she was inside, she could see them clearly as they fucked furiously, sweat running down their bodies, Buchi’s body covered the lady so it was hard to properly see her. He held her waist as he rammed his dick into her, she was moaning and shouting gibberish as she held onto the headboard, grace could feel her pussy tingling as she watched the fuck so hard.

When Buchi pulled her hair making her arch her back, grace caught a glimpse of her and especially her hair. Grace quickly covered her mouth as she recognized who was getting dicked down by Buchi, it was no other than the upstanding Ms. Janet.

Grace couldn’t believe her eyes if someone had told her she would never have believed that the prim and proper Ms. Janet could be getting rammed so hard and from the sounds, she was making it was evident she was enjoying herself.

Buchi pulled out, making Ms. Janet whine and wiggle her ass at him, he pushed her head down into the pillow before pulling her ass up. Lifting one leg on the bed, he positioned his dick and slammed into her, his hand came around and rubbed her clit as he pounded into her.

The sounds Ms. Janet was making were now louder and more pitched, grace didn’t know when she unbuttoned her trouser and slip her hands into her panties

“Oh fuck fuck yes right there baby oh fuckkk” she moaned as he slammed into her
Grace watched as she replaced his hand on her clit, she could tell Ms. Janet was close

“I’m cumming oh my god I’m cumming” she cried out as he slammed into her

Grace could tell her orgasm hit hard from how her voice pitched and how she was shaking.

He slowed down as Ms. Janet moaned, after her orgasm slowed down he pulled out of her still hard and laid down beside her.

He and Grace made eye contact as he laid down on the bed making Grace feel like deer in headlights with her hands in her trouser, before her brain could gather itself Ms. Janet also flipped over and made eye contact with Grace, immediately Grace said
“I no see anything”

It was obviously a lie but that’s the only thing her brain could come up with which left Ms. Janet speechless with her mouth open.

Buchi leaned into Ms. Janet side and whispered loudly for Grace to hear
“She said she didn’t see anything,” he said before kissing her neck

He turned and started rubbing his hard dick between her ass making Ms. Janet’s eyes close a little, she wanted to say something but Buchi reached over and squeezed her breast turning her on.

Grace watched as he slipped his hand into her shirt to fondle her breast making her eyes cloud over with lust, he kept on rubbing his dick between her folds before finally pushing into her with his hands holding her boobs.

Grace watched as they laid side by side fucking slowly and sensually with her hands fingering her sopping pussy. It felt incredibly unbelievable, like something out of a blue film as she stood there watching them fuck.

The fact that it was Ms. Janet made it even hotter and Grace was sure she won’t be able to see her the same way again.

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Written by
Dr. Deolu Oniranu-Bubble

Follow @deolububble

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