Perhaps the story that has taken me the longest to write ever. It’s a 4-part story series that seems like it takes a full year to write each episode. Just realised the second episode has over 100,000 views.
Anyway, I’m writing it now, ideally, when stories are written, they’re penned in adventurous ways, ways where you want to tell a story about how much adventure you had during a time period or a couple of minutes, but when it comes from a position of hurt and disappointment, then the story becomes more real.
Anyhoo, let me get this third part underway. In case you’ve not read the two earlier episodes, here are the links for them
The Enchantress & The Enchanted | The Enchantress & The Enchanted II
It was Maya Angelou who said, when someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time. I’ll like to modify it for the sake of my story, and I’m guessing this modification will only work for my selfish translation agenda, when someone tells you who they are, believe them the first time.
I’m bringing this up, because when we first met, she said, you know I might destroy your life, and it was said in a jesting mood, I gave her the go-ahead. I thought she was joking but several months after it was over, I understood the sentiment well.
It’s like when a comedian cracks a joke that you don’t get immediately but then on your way home, it just clicks in your mind, and then you burst out laughing there, but the problem is that you’ve missed it while it was hot.
In the space of that three weeks, we were “together”, we spoke about a lot of things, sex wasn’t off the table, and during those times, sex was used to punctuate our encounters, like we would gist then have sex, then get food, then have sex, we would go meet friends and then have sex in their house. It was just intense like that.
During one of these discussions, we were talking about different types of sex and which one bangs the most, talking about drunk sex, high sex, and early morning sex. We had both done most of them, she had done all of them, she was 10 for 10 in the types of sex but I was 9 for 10, the only one left out was the high sex, because until then, I had never smoked weed before.
So, like those Michael Jordan memes, she took it personally and said I need to come up to her level, so we can all be 10 for 10. A few days later, we were attending a house party at Lekki with her friends at my friend’s house. It was Friday after work, and everyone was chilling.
She was quite fond of grass, and we were all drinking and having conversations, the environment was quite enjoyable so she began to roll the weed, she brought out what looked like a mini-dispensary, I joke of course. She had a crusher and the paper, and got to work, I was watching her work masterfully at it, watching her break up the large chunks of weed then crush them into rollable size.
Honestly, it was beautiful to watch, the mastery was impeccable, and that’s how our first-ever fight came, at this point, she had rolled four sticks already, so I asked how many sticks she wanted to roll, and she took that quite offensively. She was very angry, I didn’t think there was such a big deal to it but she took it quite personally.
It took her a while to calm down, furiousness was clearly written on her face with my comments, I apologised profusely that I didn’t mean it like that. Eventually, after 30 to 45 minutes or so, she calmed down.
The apartment we were in, is a non-smoking space, so we went behind to the backyard through the kitchen, and sat on the stairs leading downstairs. We stayed there and continued chatting as she lit it up, and just stayed there.
In those moments, nothing else mattered, I was just happy to be there, with someone I enjoyed company with exceedingly. She smoked, and instead of passing it to me.
She would take a drag, pull me closer, kiss me and dump the smoke into my mouth. Sort of like how birds feed their children, passing insect from their mother’s mouth into the baby bird’s mouth. Each time she would do that, I would laugh a little bit, and take the chance to stare into her dark brown eyes, and all just seems right with the universe.
She was a master at making me feel like the centre of her universe, the first time she slept over, she rubbed my back till I slept off, and now at this party, she was puffing weed into my mouth. We did this for a while, as she didn’t get high easily, I on the other hand was getting there because I wasn’t very good with narcotics at all.
My poison stopped at different types of alcohol, that’s it. Not dealt with weed yet, so she sort of handheld me through the process. I didn’t really care much about how many times she puffed into my mouth, each time I kissed her just felt like it was the first time, and I was feeling it all over again.
Sometimes, we would get carried away, that she would have to relight the weed, there was a way she kissed that is most memorable, she would kiss me, hold my face in her hands, and tilt her right shoulder in like to create a world of our own, and if that isn’t the most special way to be kissed.
The kiss was saying, you, I mean you, I love you and I’m enjoying this. Unknown to me, I was just enjoying the puff of the weed, and the kisses that came along with it, I didn’t know I was high as fuck, until we finished it all, all the four sticks she rolled earlier on. I asked her for the rest of the sticks, and she said, we’ve finished it.
Wow, a first time with weed, and I had done four sticks with this woman, my goodness. As I was getting up, I felt light-headed, and I could see her laughing at me, her smile was broad, and beautiful despite my vision not been the same, her full smile was blaring at me, and the piercing underneath her lips was there. I got my eyes on her.
So, you can understand where my depression came from, imagine living through a wonderful 3 weeks that some live through for 6 years more.
She asked if I was okay, and I was like sure, I’m fine, and announced, its time for the high sex, I smiled, as this woman drugged me to fuck me in a high state. There is something that you can never deny, it’s always fun hanging out with her even if it’s catching a bus at Palmgrove or Onipan, there is always something memorable about being with her.
We found the guest room and began, we jumped on the bed, and began making out, taking off all our clothes, she took mine off for me, as I took hers off, I knew my role and what was required of me. We made out like teenagers whose parents aren’t at home.
I kissed her neck and went for her boobs, been waiting to suck these twins all evening, her warm little nipples grew in my mouth, I sucked, teased, licked and made out with her big juicy breasts, she rubbed my head and massaged my skull. I spent a little more time before going for the queen, spread her evenly toned thighs, her pussy just liked as pretty as she was, bald as I loved it.
I looked up at her, and she smiled at me, she looked pretty and her eyes just made me even more excited than I had been before, there is something about how she looked, it gave me a bigger boner, and then I began to suck the coochie, her labia were swollen, I used the tip of my tongue to probe under the hood for the clitoris, slowly adding a little bit more pressure.
She didn’t allow me to do that any further before she pulled me up, and then missionary position, holding her legs in different directions, I pointed my dick at her and drove in slowly, and the numbing of the senses helped me to enjoy it even more. The strokes started slowly and then began to play games with her.
I would remove it and slap her labia and clit with the dick, and look out for her facial expression, she would have a half-smile, and then I’ll put it back in and do quick thrusts and slow down again, just watching her boobs move up and down her chest, and it would turn me on so much.
After a while, I bent over her, and hands by her side, and then kissed her while my dick plunged into her with increased speed, and listen to her moan just beside my ears.
I pulled out, and we went doggy style, I held onto her waist and started delivering long soft strokes, slow and full penetration, damn, that was so sweet. She spread her ass cheeks apart as the slow strokes continued, and moaned.
We were lost in the moment, and we didn’t go for long, and I pulled out to cum, and cum over the pillow that I used earlier to prop her up, after the sex, without resting, I got up to go wash it immediately while been high as fuck. She laughed at me for doing it immediately saying that I was shaking around like a freaking idiot, both laughed but I still made sure that I washed it and put it in the bathroom to dry that night.
We both slept off, and cuddled, I slept like a baby that night, cuddled up in her arms, the weed knocked me out and I sincerely appreciated it. Never slept like that in a long while.
When we woke up, she asked me which was my best sex now, I lied that it was drunk sex, but deep down I knew the high sex was madder but I just didn’t want her to have the satisfaction of being right. I enjoyed the time we spent together, however, there is one sex we spoke about that never happened. We spoke about the ashewo Aso-Ebi dress, the one where we get home, tear it off and have sex right there as we get back into the house.
We never got to that one, probably the only thing left on my bucket list. I never smoked weed before after been offered it by my friends, but I fell in love with someone and I didn’t hesitate to take it and have mad sex after that.
Hopefully, I’ll write the concluding part of the story this year, and put this behind me. One thing I’ve also learnt through this experience is that writing this and sharing it with you helps me feel better and put it in the past where it belongs, but we are nothing if not a collection of past experiences that influence our present and future. I was distraught for a long time after it happened but I’m grateful I felt that, both the joy and sadness.
For a long time, I was sad but will I wish that I never experienced what I experienced then because of the following emotional collapse, I think I will prefer to have the experience, at least I know the extent of the possibility of being in love with someone and how your whole world can revolve around that person, and how much satisfaction one can have from been madly in love with someone.
Till I’m able to write the concluding part of the story, like Rihanna sang, just live your life! And please stream our audiobooks below
See ya!
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