July 26, 2024

Kunle JJC: The Randy Lagos Landlord (18+)


Home » Kunle JJC: The Randy Lagos Landlord (18+)

Kunle JJC: The Randy Lagos Landlord (18+)

My landlord is sleeping with my neighbour’s daughter and to me, that is outrageous.

It is not as if it’s my business but, she is young and just getting to that age, and even if she wants to satisfy her urges, she should be doing that with her age mates and not someone twice or thrice her age. The man, on the other hand, is a shameless adult too.

If you are three times her age and she is the daughter of one of your tenants, those are enough red flags, she should be a no-go area for you. But I do not think this thought occurred to this shameless old man, perky boobs have covered his sense of reasoning.

Finding out about the unholy affair was majorly a coincidence and partly curiosity on my side. I had gone to see Oga Landlord to renew my rent before the old one expired. I got to his door and I could hear the clear sounds of sex.

At first, I was amused to catch people having sex, it has been a long time since that happened and now it was not just anyone, it was my Landlord. I decided to knock still to see what the reaction from inside would be like.

After three loud bangs on the door, everything fell quiet from inside. I knocked again and got no reply I faked my exit.

Once my footsteps stopped, the banging from inside the house resumed, and the lady was moaning harder now. Landlord has to be some kind of bad boy to have a lady ring out in that manner. To be honest, I got wet a bit and for a moment, I imagined getting it good from the landlord.

My curiosity got the best of me and I peeped from the keyhole for some live porn but I did not see any action. For some reason, I was so pained they were not having sex in a place I could see them and I just left dejectedly. When I got out, I stopped and waited, my curiosity still having me in a chokehold.

If I cannot catch them having sex, I should at least be able to identify the lady my landlord is piping. I found a soft spot and sat there. It must have been over an hour since I left my landlords flat and I must confess, it was amazing to me that that man could hold his own for an hour plus.

Margaret bounced out of his quarters and headed first for the bin to dispose of something before she continued to their quarters. It felt like a mirage to me. The way she was bouncing and hopping, her perky, firm boobs bounced around too and it was obvious she was not putting on a brassiere.

I did not want to believe it was Margaret that was getting banged for over an hour by our landlord, she is barely twenty-two.

There must have been a mix-up somewhere, it cannot be. I ran off to the bin to check what was disposed of. When I found the nylon, it contained three used condoms and a plastic bottle of manpower. I was amazed.

Does the girl’s mother know that while she is out trying to make ends meet, her daughter is trying to put her efforts to waste? As a good neighbour, I went after Margaret, she needed some reprimand.

It took a while for her to open up and when she did, it was obvious she just took her bath. I sat her down and started to ask her questions. She did not answer many of the questions I asked her, she just looked on.

To the best of my ability, I gave her a lecture on sex education and assured her that it was alright to have sex because I am not a saint but she should not do what would put her in trouble or bring her mother shame as she chased pleasure.

I also made her know, she did ok by allowing condoms and for the last details of my long lecture, I told her I would report her to her mother if I catch her sleeping with the landlord again. Her eyes lightened immediately and she smirked.

That confused me a little but I made my exit as I had made my points clear already. I could not go back to the landlord’s quarter to pay my rent. How would I even look at the man? I was conflicted. On one side, this man just fucked an eighteen-year-old which does not sit right with me.

On the other hand, I got wet just thinking of how this man was banging someone for over an hour. I retired to my quarter and started to think about what to do about Margaret’s issue.

Would it be bad if I notified her mother or would I be doing both of them good by telling the mother so she can set her daughter straight?

When the mother came back at night, we exchanged pleasantries and I let her know I would like to discuss it with her the next day. She came to my quarters the next day and we quickly got the unnecessary pleasantries out of the way and started on the subject matter.
I let her know what I saw and pleaded that she should not punish her daughter much but try to set her on the right path. She looked so shocked and angry but thanked me profusely and promised she would not be too harsh on Margaret.

When she left, I tailed her and saw she was headed for the landlord’s quarters.

That looked like potential trouble so I quickly left the premises so that I would not be linked. After spending some 5 – 6 hours outside, I returned home and everything was calm. I was happy about that but it was too late, it did not look like there was trouble of any sort.

Was Mama Margaret able to settle this issue amicably with the landlord? This issue for sure does not look like one that can be settled amicably and Margaret’s mum did not look like someone who was going to go and settle the issue amicably when she left my place in the morning. Well, no trouble is better, I went to my quarters to fix myself something to eat when I got a knock on my door.

I was not expecting anyone, Margaret’s mum would not be home by this time of the day and Margaret would be in school so, to whom do I owe the honour of a visit? The knock continued till I got to the door.

I was shocked to see an angry-looking Landlord at my doorstep. He asked me to come out and I did. He rudely shut me up when I tried to greet him and in a cold tone, he warned me to stay out of his business because the mouth is not supposed to say everything the eye sees.

His message got to me immediately and I quickly apologized. He hissed and muttered curse words as he left.

All I could do was heave a sigh of relief. I wonder what Margaret’s mum had done to the man to make him that way but I was quite happy that I was able to get at him. He is a shameless man that should learn to sleep with women of his age bracket.

I did a little dance of victory in my room as I put the finishing touches on my meal. After my meal and some rest, I picked up the parcel containing my rent. I Would pay him and apologize once more before the stupid man starts to think of evicting me.

For some reason, when I got to his door, my instinct told me to eavesdrop on him before knocking. What do I know? My instinct was right.

Oga Landlord was fucking this girl again.

I wondered what kind of animal the kan was. He had just been warned hours ago and he was already back at it. The most annoying part was the way their body was making sounds, and the moans coming from the room were making me wet too.

I was getting terribly turned on. I quickly left before things got ugly for me and went to my hiding spot. My resolve was to scold Margaret once she shows up.

After waiting hours for Margaret to show up, I was surprised that it was her mother that made an appearance. She fanned her privates with her wrapper as she scurried across the compound to her quarters.

I did not know what to make out of the matter. Was Margaret’s mum having sex with Oga Landlord fully knowing that he was fucking her daughter too? Is that possible? I dragged myself to my quarters and thought of the matter more, it did not make any sense to me.

No matter what I tried to do, the matter from earlier stuck in my mind and I could not shake it off.

Messages came in from my landlord but I was just too occupied to go through them.

When I calmed down and went through my phone, nothing could have prepared me for the upset I was about to witness. The camera was set at a vantage angle in the room. I could see Margaret’s mum’s face clearly. She held her boobs in her hands for the landlord to suck them one after the other.

He had his hand on a chunk of her ass and the other on a feminine head which I hoped was not Margaret.

When Oga landlord raised his head, there was an inaudible conversation between the three and next know, Oga landlord and mummy Margaret were on their knees but Margaret was standing.

He was rubbing her back while he teased her pussy with his dick. It was obvious that he was driving her crazy with that alone as she ran her fingers through her hair wildly.

Margaret was standing with one leg on the floor and one on the bed as Baba Landlord sucked her pussy. I knew exactly when the dick entered Margaret’s mum, her tone changed completely and Margaret was holding the landlord’s head over her pussy.
The tremors from mummy Margaret’s ass were a beautiful sight. I was about to start touching myself when the video cut.

My mouth was so dry and my pussy was so wet, I wanted to watch the rest of it.

Written by Reezy Sama

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Dr. Deolu Oniranu-Bubble

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