“I really might have a problem” I thought out loud
I ran out of wine and watching my movie without wine did not feel right, so I decided to make a quick run for it but decided to go to Shoprite to pick up some other things too. It was bad enough that the traffic around Apo is always terrible but the hot air that hit my face got me apologizing to the sun.
When I got inside, I grabbed a basket and went straight for the wine aisle with wine, I took my time checking out different wine when I caught someone about two feets away creepily checking me out. After ignoring it for a while I couldn’t take it anymore
“Do want to take a picture” I said with a frown
He simply smiled and walk towards me, I looked around nervously in case he was crazy
“I just couldn’t stop picturing how to cause your body so much pain and pleasure enough to drive you crazy” He said
His comment after his serial killer stare should give me the chills but it made hot down south instead, I tried to think of a witty come back when he said
“Would you like to find out how much pain and pleasure your body can take” He asked
“Yes yes yes” I screamed in my head
I opened my mouth to launch into a tirade when he handed me a card
“Be here in an hour if you do” He said
He walked away leaving me stunned with his card, I picked out a couple of my favorite wine and rushed to get the other stuffs I wanted. I drove home like a maniac and rushed into the bathroom to take a quick shower. I was dressing up when Blessing called
“You home” She started
“Yeah but I am heading out like right now” I said
“Where to?” She asked
“So I met this guy at ShopRite” I started
“Biiiitch” She shrieked when I was through
“But babe what if he’s a psycho that kills women in his dungeon” She said sounding concerned
“I’ll text you the address, if you don’t hear from me in four hours then you can go full on mama bear” I said smiling to myself
I hung up and dressed quickly, I texted blessing the address before I started driving.
“Wow” I exclaimed when I got to the gate
A security guard came to ask me why I was there and I realized I didn’t know anything about this guy, I brought out the card
“I was given this card, I am not sure I am at the right place” I started
He left and opened the gate immediately, I drove in marvelling at how bigger the mansion looked from inside. I rang the doorbell and soon the door open with the guy from Shoprite still in the clothes I met him in
“I am so glad you came” He said with an ominous smile
I thought about running to my car but found my legs stepping into his massive living room. I could hear soft music playing from somewhere as I followed him, we got to the door where the music was coming from and he opened the door and gestured for me to go in. I stepped in not sure how to react to the men and a couple of ladies seated around in a semi circle talking and drinking
“Am I about to join a secret society” I thought as I turned towards the door
“Don’t you want to see how things would pan out” He said blocking my path
“Just give it a chance and if at any point you want to stop I promise I will” He said staring into my eyes.
I looked around in the dimly lit room and realized all eyes were on me, a lady came out of nowhere and took my bag and lead me to the chair I just noticed in the middle of the semi circle, it was a reclining chair and she helped me sit on it.
I watched as the lady took off my shoes before kneeling beside me to unbutton my shirt before taking it off, she pulled off my trouser leaving me in my red and black panties and bra. She left leaving me in my underwear with all eyes on me, I started to imagine what could happen and felt myself getting wet. The lady that took off my clothes came back but this time she was holding thick ropes, my breathing quickened as my heart started beating crazily in my ribcage
“What the hell did I get myself into” I thought as tied my hands together.
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