July 27, 2024

Federal Republic of Lily: Stuck in the elevator [Part 2] (18+)


Home » Federal Republic of Lily: Stuck in the elevator [Part 2] (18+)

Federal Republic of Lily: Stuck in the elevator [Part 2] (18+)

We kissed fast and hard before pulling away from each other. We stared at each other for a while before he suddenly wrapped his arms around me, pressing me hard against him. His kiss was urgent as our hands went wild on each other.

He unhooked my bra while I fumbled with his belt. I thought about the cameras in the elevator before his tongue sliding in between my teeth wipe my memory. He pushed my bareback against the cold metallic wall of the elevator as he kissed me greedily. My hands were busy fumbling with his belt as he cupped my boobs and grazed my hard nipple.

With one hand playing with my sensitive nipple the other hand aided in finally unbuckling his belt, I unzipped his trousers releasing his hard dick from their confines. He suddenly flipped me around pressing my boobs into the buttons on the wall before spanking my ass. He kissed the sensitive skin behind my ear before placing wet kisses all over my neck.

His hands traveled down to my waist, he hooked his hand in the band of my trousers and pulled down peeling the trouser off my ass and down to my feet. While still kneeling to help me get out of my trouser he kissed my ass making me want to go pantless every day. He kissed his way up stopping at the neck. Reaching around he cupped my boobs and pinched my nipples making me press my ass out into his hard dick.

One hand left my boob and slipped down to rub my clit, he pushed his fingers down playing around my slit.

“You’re so wet” He whispered into my ear

I was ready, dripping ready but he kept playing with my slit teasing me

“Please” I murmured

“Please what,” he asked before nibbling on my ear

“Fuck me” I moaned

He growled before spreading out my legs with his leg, he grabbed his dick and rubbed the head up and down my throbbing pussy lips. I tried to push back into him but he kept teasing me. My entire body felt sensitive and all I could think about was his dick inside of me. With one swift move, he was buried inside of me

“Oh yes” I moaned

One hand on my waist and the other on my boob he started to move, slowly first before picking up speed

“Oh yes please” I moaned as he moved in and out of me faster

The hand on my boob slid down my tummy to my pussy, he rubbed my clit fast in rhythm with his thrust

“Oh yes yes yes” I moaned as he thrusts got harder and rougher

As he rubbed my clit roughly I knew I was going to come, his thrust and fingers were working in perfect unison. I felt drunk as my orgasm built, I arched my back further into him moving to match his movement. My orgasm hit and I could feel every, every bead of sweat that rolled down my back. I screamed as I came hard my pussy gushing warm juices around his dick

“Get down, hands on the floor” he ordered

I immediately went down placing each plan on the floor, I waited for him to get down behind me but instead, he grabbed both of my legs and wrapped it around his waist

“Oh that’s good pussy” he moaned

He started to move making me plant my palms firmer on the floor so as not to lose balance. The new position allowed him to get even deeper inside me and I loved how full it made me feel, he moved faster the slapping sounds our skin made filling the elevator. I could feel another orgasm building more stronger than the first, his movement got faster and his mumbling pushed me to the edge. His thrusting got erratic and his mumbling louder

“You gonna make me cum” he cried out

He thrust in faster and faster pushing me over the edge, my orgasm exploded making my body convulse. I collapsed on the floor my chest rising and falling as I breathed heavily. He pulled out slowly out of me before letting go of my leg, I was suddenly aware of how sore my wrists felt. He joined me on the floor and claimed my lips in a deep passionate kiss, I wrapped my legs around him and felt his dick throb against my thigh.

He grabbed my boobs and squeezed before the elevator cranked up and started to move up. We scrambled up and tried to wear our clothes with the speed of lighting. I was able to finish buttoning up before the elevator door opened, I looked over to Stephen that looked totally unruffled

“Urrrmm you wore your shirt inside out” he whispered before stepping out of the elevator smiling.

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Written by
Dr. Deolu Oniranu-Bubble

Follow @deolububble

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