April 20, 2024


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Tag: friends with benefit

How To Love A Reluctant Man by Kae

Written by Kae Truthfully, I think this should be a blank space. Because there’s no loving someone who doesn’t want your love now, or is there? Anyway, the document is not blank solely because I remember that they say where there’s life there’s hope...

Same Watering-Hole?

Hi Guys, How’s it all going? I hope well. So, this is the 2nd of my ‘epic’ rant section and believe it or not, am beginning to settle into this. I think more and more on what to rant here and because of what goes on in Nigeria, I am...

DS Series: Le Petite Parole

It’s funny how people think since you’re single, you’re miserable. It’s quite the opposite actually (for me tho, as I’m fine). Few weeks ago, my friend’s girlfriend decided to hook me up with her friend because she thought...

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