July 26, 2024

Short Story: Entangled Desires: A Swinging Affair (Episode 5) [18+] by Sixtie9ine


Home » Short Story: Entangled Desires: A Swinging Affair (Episode 5) [18+] by Sixtie9ine

Short Story: Entangled Desires: A Swinging Affair (Episode 5) [18+] by Sixtie9ine

We went out onto a dim balcony and found ourselves alone. “I’m Efe,” she whispered as she pressed herself against me. She moved her hips against my leg. “Dance with me. What’s your name? And which one of my classmates is letting you run around unattended?”

I replied, “I’m Kunle.” I didn’t want to tell her that I was married to Eniola. “If I’m alone, does it matter who left me? And what did you mean by that comment about feeling rather than looking?”

Efe gave me a mocking look and shook her head slowly. She kept one hand around my waist and slipped the other between our abdomens. In a fast move, she unzipped me and pulled my erect penis through the opening in my underpants.

I instinctively backed away, but she grabbed my penis and moved toward me. “You’ve been staring at my breasts and getting aroused for the past half-hour,” she said.

“I saw you following me around. Don’t you get enough at home?”

I told Efe that I had been looking at her whole body. I thought I was being clever, but I didn’t realize how much trouble I was in.

I told Efe that I had been looking at her whole body. I thought I was being smart, but I didn’t realize how much trouble I was in.

I held Efe’s large breasts in my hands and felt her nipples getting stiff. I gently squeezed and fondled them, and they were soft but firm – and very real! I felt a familiar pressure building in my balls, and my erection began to feel hot. I kissed and licked Efe on the back of her neck, behind her ear.

I was incredibly aroused by the taste of her skin and by the scent of her musky perfume. I felt my penis swell even more as I inhaled the aroma of fresh perspiration on her body. No woman had ever excited me so quickly or so completely!

Efe made little sounds in her throat as I gently pinched and pulled on her supple nipples. My exposed erection was pushing firmly against the back of her skirt, poking her behind and probing between her cheeks. I repeatedly thrust my hips forward in a futile attempt to push my erection through her clothing. I was beyond rational thought.

I was consumed with an irresistible, primitive desire to mate with her. I was so inflamed with desire I doubt I could have resisted her if Anne had been standing in front of us. I growled in my throat as my attempts to shove my penis into her were thwarted by her skirt. I was determined to mate! I thrust harder and harder.

Efe suddenly moved her hips forward until the tip of my penis was barely touching her skirt. I felt the slippery cloth sliding over my erection as she pulled her skirt up to her waist. She pressed back against me again, and my erection pushed against the bare cheeks of her behind.

I grunted and pushed my penis forward, pushing it between her cheeks. She reached back, spread her cheeks apart with her hands, then released them. My penis slipped completely between her cheeks, and I felt my balls pull up tight. She tightened her gluteus maximus muscles, and her cheeks squeezed my erection. Then she began to rock forward and back as she flexed the muscles in her behind.

My penis was pressed against Efe’s vagina and I could feel her getting hot and wet. I could even feel her pubic hair tickling my penis. My penis was so sensitive I could feel her labia as they moved along my shaft and parted.

She pressed my hands firmly against her breasts, pushing them against her ribs. Her nipples and areolae were swollen and hard under my hands. The pressure of her muscles around my penis was unlike anything I’d ever felt, and my arousal immediately built to its inevitable peak.

I lost control completely. Every time I squeezed her ass, I got closer, and almost immediately I came between her legs. Each burst was incredibly intense, and I groaned loudly several times. Even though my eyes were open, I couldn’t see.

The intensity of the sensations from my penis and balls dominated everything else. Every time I thought I was done, I felt a burst of heat as more cum squirted down the inside of my shaft.

My legs were shaking when I finished, and my penis started to become soft. Efe took my hands off her breasts and moved away from me. I leaned against the wall so I wouldn’t fall. I was breathing heavily. As she fixed her clothes, I could see her smiling. “Well, everyone already thinks I’m cheap. I guess they won’t be surprised to see your cum dripping down my legs.”

Efe then leaned in and kissed me deeply. “Next time, don’t be so obvious. If you want to fuck me, be a little more subtle. I’m playful, but I’m not anyone’s slut.” She kissed me again and quickly walked across the balcony and back inside. I saw streaks of my cum on the insides of both her legs as the light from the doorway briefly lit her up. It had dripped down almost to her ankles. I had never cum so much before.

My soft penis was sticky, mostly from Efe’s vagina. I put my penis back inside my pants and went through the same door, but she was nowhere in sight. It’s no wonder she easily broke up Eniola and Kitan. Efe exuded sexuality, but Eniola had to work at it.

I thought about the agreement I had with Eniola, and I decided I hadn’t broken it. But it had been a close thing. Efe had only wanted to tease me, or perhaps teach me some kind of lesson. If she had been seriously interested in having sex with me, I would have fucked her on the balcony. Well, more accurately, she would have fucked me. But it hadn’t happened, so my agreement with Eniola was still in effect.

I don’t know why I was still walking around looking for Efe. She was clearly dangerous, but I didn’t think about that. The temptation to get more intimate with her was simply too strong to resist. The memories of the erotic sensations I had just experienced were fresh and vivid. I had wasted my cream by ejaculating outside her body, and despite my flaccid penis I felt an incredibly powerful desire to ejaculate inside her.

More cum leaked from my penis into my shorts. My crotch was uncomfortably sticky, so I found a bathroom and removed my shoes, pants, and underwear. The strong smell of semen and Efe’s vagina made the air thick and hard to breathe.

I leaned over into the sink and rinsed my penis. I threw my sticky underwear into the trash before I dressed and left the room. I hoped I wouldn’t have to explain their absence to Eniola.

The feel of my pants rubbing against my exposed penis made me aroused again. I thought about whether Efe wanted to do more. I searched a few rooms but couldn’t find her. I realized I had left my drink somewhere, so I went to the bar to get another one. Eniola saw me as I picked up an empty glass. She pushed herself against me and kissed me.

“MMM! You’ve been kissing someone else, haven’t you? I can taste her lipstick! Naughty, naughty!” Then she laughed. “I think I’ve kissed half the boys in my class, and most of them tried to feel me up.” She seemed unsteady as she talked to me, and I wondered how much alcohol she had consumed.

I made us both some drinks, and we hugged each other and danced. Even with the drinks, it was very exciting. Eniola was drunk and had lost all her inhibitions. I suspected that some of the men had done more than just try to touch her. She pressed her body against mine and I got aroused.

Even though we were in full view of anyone who looked at us, she reached down and rubbed and squeezed my erection through my pants. I decided it was time to take her back to our room. When she got like this, we usually didn’t have time to get completely undressed before we had sex.

We finished our drinks. Eniola groped me again, and she gave me the special signal that Femi and Chioma had taught us. She grinned broadly. It was definitely time to leave! We crossed into the next room, but somehow we got lost in the maze of the suite and missed the exit. She signalled at me again, and we almost ran across that room and into the next. The exit was in sight.

As we quickly walked past an open doorway, we heard a woman loudly and drunkenly say, “And she still thinks Efe was trying to sleep with him that night! She never found out!” I heard several women laughing.

Written by Sixtie 9ine

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Dr. Deolu Oniranu-Bubble

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