February 9, 2025

Kunle JJC: The New Neighbour (Chapter 6) [18+]

Home » Kunle JJC: The New Neighbour (Chapter 6) [18+]

Kunle JJC: The New Neighbour (Chapter 6) [18+]

Something fantastic and horrible happened to me that night and the only things I could blame were; Chief for making me too horny and Chrys for being too good with the use of his dick. That night, after seeing that he was still hard and I also still wanted more of his dick, he allowed me to lay on his bed like I asked and he could proceed to fuck me senseless again.

The bed felt so kind to my back that I had been bending for about the last fifteen minutes to collect penis. Even my knees and legs were grateful that I considered them.

Chrys mounted me when he saw that I was well relaxed on the bed. One of his hands grabbed my boob and just crushed it on my chest while he used his other hand to hold his dick and find the opening of my pussy.

The moment his dick penetrated me again, my pussy welcomed it with its wetness. My pussy had become familiar with his size and his thickness at this point but there were still a few instances when he shocked me by going deeper than normal. In those instances, I would feel that dick hit my navel hard and my stomach would tingle.

I would always get pains in my underbelly but they were always worth it. This was one of those times. After penetrating my pussy, instead of uncrushing my boob like I thought he would, his now freed hand crushed my second boob on my chest.

How can something that painful be that sweet? I would have loved to tell him to stop but, the way his palms clasped my boobs to my chest while his waist was firing his dick so deep into my pussy was just too sensual. I could not say anything no matter how hard I tried.

He paid me no attention and just continued to fuck me like I had committed some grievous crime. With every thrust of his, my gasps became more shallow and I could feel my pussy becoming unusually warm. It got hot, I could feel something building up angrily in my pussy.

I felt like I should stop him because I did not know what it was but my hormones were driving me nuts. Instead of pushing him away and running off that bed when I still had the chance, I found my legs wrapping around his waist and locking him in on my pussy.

He had little room to pull back now before digging inside me again. He was digging too deep and my gasps now were turning to moans and then to screams because whatever was building up inside my pussy was giving me too much wild sensations.

The louder my screams got, the deeper his grunts got and all of a sudden, I could not hold back any longer. I let out a shrill cry and everything flew out of my pussy. It was clear as water but did not smell like urine.

It gushed into his bed with the force I used to push it out. I was writhing on that bed holding tight to his bedsheet like a demon was stepping out of my body. As much as I felt embarrassed to be ejecting fluid like pee out of my body on Chrys’ bed, there was nothing I could do about the situation.

I was grabbing his sheets tight, my eyes were tightly shut and my body was trashing all over his bed with the only word I could forcefully say being, “Fuuuckkkk”, which I repeatedly said till every drop of that fluid left my body.

When everything was over, I looked below my ass and what I saw was crazy. I had wet the bed – It was soaked and Chrys was just there on his knees gawking like a fool with his dick in his cum stained hand. I covered my face with my palms.

He laughed and told me that squirting was not something to be ashamed of and that it just showed how much I enjoyed his dick. He just said the truth. I have been dickmatized at least with this night’s performance.

I slowly got off the bed and found out my legs were wobbling but, I was still able to manage to remove his sheets from the bed with the promise that I would wash them for him. He smiled and agreed. There was no way I would be able to walk to my room that midnight, not with my wobbling legs. I crashed over at Chrys, place and had one of the nicest sleeps ever.

The second morning, I had something else to deal with. I had left Chrys’s room after I gave him head of course. I woke him with my mouth wrapped around his dick. I let him enjoy himself and I did not stop until he busted his nuts in my mouth and I swallowed it. I enjoyed how I made him moan and how he caressed my head.

The head was to compensate him for the wonderful fuck he gave me the night before. I swear I could still feel the sensation somewhere in my body and I was craving him making me squirt again. The head was also an apology for messing up his bedsheets, which I would now clean for him.

I left him in bed with a flaccid dick and pride as I walked and wiggled my ass at him as I left. It was only when I got outside his apartment that I realised that it was late morning and It would be weird for my neighbours to see me stepping out of Chrys’s room.

I quickly skipped through the compound to my apartment before I was accosted by my neighbours and their questions.

I met Mama T at my doorstep and I froze. She clapped her hands twice and excitedly shouted, “I knew it!”. I immediately covered her mouth with my palm and dragged her into my room before asking her what was going on hoping that I had not been found out by Mama T of all people.

She sat down still excited and started to give me full details of how she had come home late the day before and was headed to her apartment. When she passed by Chrys’ room, she heard some weird noise and decided to go closer to his window what he heard sounded so much like my voice and I was saying, “fuckkkk”.

She however doubted that it was me so she went to my apartment to knock and see whether I was in but there was no response.

She was not satisfied and that was why she had come again this morning to check whether I was at home and now she can see me from his side of the compound with a breath that stinks of cum. So, she was so sure that I was the one Chrys was fucking yesterday.

She asked in hushed tones whether Chrys was that good with his dick because she had been eyeing him for a while now to get a taste but, he had not been looking her way. I was not too shocked.

Mama T was a single mother in our house, her children were in boarding school so, she had a lot of free time on her hands.

She’s one of those ladies hitting 40 yet refusing to wrap up their youth. Every Friday, you would easily find her in a club with her boobs packed so aggressively and her wears always promoting her deep, fair complexioned cleavage.

Mama T is also a hot-headed person especially when she is unable to get what she wants. Therefore, the moment she explained that she had caught me and had let me know that she wanted a taste of Chrys dick, I had little choice. It was either I got her access to that dick or I become a news item in the compound and in the estate.

I would have cared less because sex was not a crime but I needed to protect Chrys who might not want his life activities in public. Chrys dick is one thing I would not like to share with any lady but, Mama T would become an issue and I might end up losing Chrys and his dick altogether.

What I did was to begin to describe how long Chrys dick was and how fat.

I told her what a badass the guy was with his dick and I could see the excitement on her face. she asked me what kind of sex style Chrys would enjoy the most. I told her he enjoyed digging from behind and how he loved to bend people over. She excitedly told me she loved to be bent over and asked whether Chrys liked to be ridden because she is a good rider.

At this point, I began to have the fear that this woman might use her pussy to snatch Chrys from me.

Written by Reezy Sama

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Dr. Deolu Oniranu-Bubble

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