July 27, 2024

Kunle JJC: The Naughty Scandalous Doc III(18+)


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Kunle JJC: The Naughty Scandalous Doc III(18+)

Several messages came in after that and some of the hottest ones were when someone called out a girl, “Joy” for being a lesbian and she tried to touch her inappropriately with the ladies. Another person confirmed that Joy indeed was a lesbian and she once caught her rubbing the inner thighs of another girl in class and that girl even though always acts innocent to the rest of the class was spreading her legs wide for Joy to do what she wanted to do.

Someone crashed the table by saying Joy is bi-sexual and someone in class fucks her anyhow and even has her nudes on his phone. Dr Ndoko could not believe what she saw in the group.

She saved the name, “Joy” in her head, she needed a face for it. Now all that mattered was getting the class rep to fuck her without sounding desperate.

She placed a call to Akemi to update her about what happened and also get tips on how to sleep with her student. Akemi laughed at her before explaining that men are cheap and since the boy himself expressed himself that much, it meant he digs her.

All Ndoko had to do was invite him over to her place and tease him a little then watch him devour her body. The way Akemi described how the class rep would fuck her right prompted her to go and read his texts on the group again.

She felt giddy and felt like she could not wait for it to happen but had to wait till the weekend. On Friday, around closing period, she called him to her office and gave him descriptions of her place saying that they had some class issues that needed solving.

Jason (the class rep) felt somewhat happy and scared at the same time. Happy that he would spend time alone with his crush, Dr. Ndoko, and scared that someone told her of his text from the anonymous game and that he was about to be punished.

She did not look like she was angry at anything so it gave him some peace of mind that they were probably going to do schoolwork. Ndoko got home and quickly got to cleaning her place. She kept a clean environment but still rẹ arranged for the visitor she was expecting the next day.

By the time she finished, her body was soaked in sweat so she hit the shower to wash off the grime. During her shower, she rẹ shaved her pussy wanting it to be all bald for the second day then she retired to her bedroom.

In there, she scrolled through porn sites and watched the ones that caught her interest, saving different sex styles she would like to try with Jason in her memory.

She got out of bed early the second day and quickly hit the kitchen to fix something to eat between meals. She wanted Jason to use her body till she can not take anymore and from what Akemi had told her about these young adult boys, she expected to get satisfied.

When she finished, she took a long shower and put on a nice cologne. She felt like a Teenager again. It had been a long time since someone made her feel like a woman. She could not wait for Jason to arrive. She picked a matching lace pant and bra to wear under her kimono in wait for Jason.
It felt like forever and she continued to check the time over and over hoping he would knock on her door any moment. When he eventually rang the doorbell, she almost tripped as she rushed to open the door.

At the door, they both held each other’s gaze not knowing what to do. He stood there staring directly at the mounds of her boobs that were floating over her bra, the kimono allowed him to see them with no restrictions. He was not invited for schoolwork, he had been invited to work her body, and the message was loud and clear.

He followed her closely and for the first time, he noticed how fat her ass was. Her ass cheeks were hitting every inch of the fabric. He wanted to grab it there and then but he preserved and followed her down to her bedroom where she turned around to face him but he met her with a kiss.

Whatever she wanted to say vanished immediately. Akemi was right, a young stud was all she needed. The way he hungrily kissed her was just what she wanted and her pussy started to drip.

Jason had no plans to waste time on this business. He moved on from her lips and put kisses all over her neck. Ndoko just stood there and let him work up her body but Jason was not having it. He pulled her hands and threw them across his neck.

She got his massage and started to massage his neck all over. When she started to run her hand through his hair, he kissed her harder and his fingers teased her nipples but he did not stay long there. He caressed her abdomen and kept going south till his fingers were between her thighs.

Her inner thighs felt so hot and she kissed him deeper, moaning into his mouth. Jason got impatient and squeezed his finger in her pussy. Dr Ndoko held him tight as she moaned out in pleasure. It had been a long time since she had anything go into her pussy.

It was her turn to be impatient. She pushed him off and quickly got naked. Jason pulled his trousers and joined her in bed where she spread her legs wide enough for him to see her hole and how wet it had become. Jason became adventurous and dived in headfirst.

The first long lick he gave Ndoko made her swing her head backwards and bite her lips. When he made contact with her pussy again, it was scary. His teeth grazed her and she yelped in pain but Jason mistook it for her enjoying it. He held her legs in place and kept at it with Ndoko protesting and trying to guide his head properly but she was unable to overpower Jason who was far gone in his heinous craft.

The only way to escape the torture was to close her thighs on him. Jason patted the sides of her thigh as he could no longer get air then Ndoko released him from her hold.

He came up grinning from ear to ear but Ndoko was still smarting from the pain. She gave him a dry smile and asked him to just fuck her hoping it would be better that the head she just received. Jason positioned himself with his hard dick in his hand.

Ndoko covered her face with her hands. Here it was, her first sex in a long while, to be done by her student. She hoped she would not regret this in the future. Dr Ndoko felt Jason thrusting into her because his thighs kept hitting her but did not know the exact moment his dick entered her pussy and it felt like it was a couple of fingers in her pussy and not a dick. Scratching her thoughts for future regrets, she started to immediately regret initiating sex with Jason.

To make matters worse he started grunting and came into her breathing like a dog.

Ndoko consoled herself with the thought of the “first round does not last long”. A young boy like him cannot have a small dick and still be a noodle man at the same time. Jason lay beside her panting, she let him rest for a bit before pouncing on him.

She needed to get something good out of this. She started kissing him trying to get his dick back up. Jason rose to the occasion and started sucking her boobs making her moan. It was becoming enjoyable for her again, she could feel his dick rubbing her ass.

Size does not matter, how to use it is all that matters. She put his dick in her pussy and it swallowed it whole. She grinds her waist gently and loved the way it felt. When Jason felt relaxed, she started to gently bop on his dick and was amused by the way his eyes never left her vibrating boobs.

Dr Ndoko almost cried when she saw the expression on his face change. He began to grunt again and she felt his sperm hit the walls of her pussy.

It was a disaster. After the whole brag on the group, the boy is a noodle boy. She sighed and got off him to take a long shower. It was a waste of body count. She dressed up when she came out and did not say a word to Jason.

They were done and he needed to leave. When he left, she cried her heart out. Maybe it was time to give the pussy up for Prof. Kolade. She felt something long and hard the last time he groped her up close and with what the young girls around revealed on the group, he should be a monster beneath the sheets.

Her mind was made up when school activities resumed. She would let go of her shame and get a taste of Prof. Kolade in his office.

That morning was supposed to go off with no hitches but as she took the 100 level their first lecture, the class rep hung in a corner with a group of other boys. Her mind skipped a beat. Hope he had not started spreading news of what happened between them over the weekend.

Her lecture was further disrupted by two ladies who started cussing at each other before they were stopped from throwing hands by half of the class. DR. Ndoko ended the lecture abruptly and led the girls to her office to get to the root of the problem.

She breathed a sigh of disappointment when they revealed the scramble was all about a boy and she dismissed them immediately. Finally, some peace. Now she needed to get at the Prof. She straightened herself up and headed for his office.

In Prof. Kolade’s office, Joy was there to complain about her low grade. He asked her if she knew what to do for it to be increased and she responded by saying yes. He asked how she knew and she said her friend gave her the updates.
He smiled and asked her to go ahead. She squeezed herself under his table and unzipped him. Prof. Kolade’s pen slipped out of his hands as he held his head when the feeling of a warm mouth around his dick hit him.

Joy was sucking him dry and he soon left his head to grab hers so that she can suck the other places he wanted. Ndoko knocked and walked in not waiting for permission from him. In there she had nothing to say she expected him to pounce on her like always but he just sat there watching her with intent. She promptly excused herself when she realized there was nothing to say or do.

On her way to her office, a guy accosted her and introduced himself as Ade. He whispered in her ear that what the class rep failed to give her over the weekend, he and his boys could give her to her heart’s content. She was too shocked to ask him anything.

When she turned around, he was gone already but she saw one of the female 100-level students walking out of Prof. Kolade’s office wiping her lips. Now she understood why the old pervert could not grab her earlier.

Written by Reezy Sama

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Dr. Deolu Oniranu-Bubble

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