February 9, 2025

Edymaniac: Holiday Affair (Chapter 8)[18+]

Home » Edymaniac: Holiday Affair (Chapter 8)[18+]

Edymaniac: Holiday Affair (Chapter 8)[18+]

I looked to Adaeze, who was watching Yetunde. Nobody spoke. Our motion was almost silent in the room, making the only sound. I reached out with one hand and stroked Yetunde’s cheek. The silkiness of her skin was delightful. She cooed in appreciation. I ran my fingers through her hair. Adaeze put her hand on Yetunde’s shoulder. The three of us were again joined by touch.

“Let her know when you’re about to cum,” Adaeze told me. Then, to Yetunde, “You’ll want to hold his balls when he shoots in me. It feels really good.”

Yetunde, still watching where we were joined, just nodded. After a few more minutes, she spoke again.

“This looks sooo sexy.”

“Mmm-hmm,” Adaeze agreed.

Adaeze lifted up on her elbows to get a better look herself. I lovingly touched Adaeze’s cheek, just as I had touched Yetunde’s earlier. She looked at me and smiled. No other words were spoken until I was ready to cum.

“I’m gonna shoot,” I announced.

“Cup his balls, but be gentle,” Adaeze urged Yetunde. She had to get up to reach, but Yetunde did just that. Her eyes were still fixed on the base of my dick sticking out of Adaeze’s pussy.

Her gentle grasp on my testicles had the same effect as Adaeze’s touch had before. I began cumming almost at once.

“He’s cumming inside you right now,” Yetunde announced. Adaeze responded by attacking her clit with two fingers, desperate to cum with me. I could feel myself spurting but I wondered if I was really shooting very much after all the orgasms I had enjoyed that day.

Yetunde kept fondling me and Adaeze came loudly right after I did. Yetunde sat up on her knees and kissed me while I was still inside Adaeze. It was strange having my dick inside one woman and my tongue inside another. Strange, but nice.

We both looked down at Adaeze and saw her smiling at us.

“I like sharing,” my wonderful wife announced.

“I’m glad you share,” I told her. I pulled out of her pussy and Yetunde moved into position to watch the aftermath of our lovemaking. As I thought, there wasn’t much, but a little whiteness could be seen seeping through her distended lips. Yetunde reached out to touch it.

Adaeze jumped when Yetunde’s finger contacted her pussy. Yetunde giggled.

“I just wanted to feel how warm it is,” she explained. Adaeze relaxed. I marvelled at how comfortable we had become with each other’s bodies in the last few hours.

After that last performance, I was finished for the night. Fortunately, the women were as well. While we were lying around, Adaeze and I were next to each other and Yetunde was on her stomach between Adaeze’s legs, I yawned. The girls laughed, but Adaeze said, “I guess I’m tired, too. How about you, Yetunde? Ready to go to sleep?”

“Uh-huh,” Yetunde responded. She got up and headed for the bathroom. I kissed Adaeze before commenting that I needed to go as well.

“Go ahead,” Adaeze urged.

“I can wait for Yetunde to finish,” I said.

Adaeze made a face. “So you can fuck her, but you can’t share a bathroom with her?” She smiled. “Go ahead. I’ll be there in a minute,” she added as she shoved me in that direction.

I tapped lightly on the open door before entering. I still felt a little shy in spite of the intimacy we had just shared. Yetunde turned to look.

“Come on in,” she urged. “There’s nothing here you haven’t already seen.”

“True,” I agreed. I peed while she washed her hands and face. When I finished and turned around, I saw she had been watching me in the mirror. She just smiled when she saw she was caught. She gave me a light peck on the cheek as I took my turn at the lavatory.

She stood behind me, pressing her nude form against my back. If I hadn’t been so exhausted, I would have risen to the occasion. We walked back to the bed together.

“So how will this work?” I asked the ladies.

Adaeze piped up. “I’m sleeping next to you.”

“I wanted to sleep next to him,” Yetunde complained.

“Ladies, ladies, there is enough of me to go around. How about I sleep in the middle?”

They were agreeable to that, so I turned out the main light and crawled over Adaeze to lie between the two of them. Yetunde pulled up the covers as Adaeze turned off the lamp. Adaeze turned towards me and draped one leg over mine.

I could feel the wetness between her legs against my leg. Yetunde did the same on my left, with the same results.

“This is nice,” I commented. Two contented sighs came in response. With that, we were all soon asleep.

I’d like to say we woke up during the night and screwed until dawn, but the truth is that we were all tired and slept through the night.

The long drive and then the sex had worn me out. Yetunde’s day had turned into an emotional roller coaster when we arrived, and Adaeze was just plain tired. It was well after sunrise when we woke.

Adaeze kissed me good morning. The stirring woke Yetunde as well. Adaeze spoke first.

“Is everyone ready for breakfast, or…?”

“Or what?” I asked.

Adaeze smiled in response, a sly smile. Her left hand snaked under the covers. I felt her grab my morning hard-on. She held it up straight (for Yetunde’s benefit) and stroked it under the covers.

“That sounds good,” I ventured.

“How about we have him for breakfast?” Adaeze offered. Then, looking directly at Yetunde, added, “Together?”

Yetunde’s face showed definite interest. She nodded to Adaeze before pushing the covers over the foot of the bed. Both women moved into position between my legs, pushing them wide apart to accommodate both their bodies. Adaeze held up my erection and Yetunde kissed it.

I felt the contact of her lips all up my spine. Adaeze was an inch away, watching her friend intently. The kiss turned into a lick and Adaeze joined in. While Yetunde licked at the precum gathering at the head, Adaeze gave slow licks up and down the shaft.

I’ve had many blowjobs before, but that was the first one from more than one person. One tongue is fantastic, any man will tell you that. Two tongues can quickly drive you through the roof. I reached for the other pillows and piled them under my head so I could watch. Adaeze and Yetunde fellated me in synchronicity.

As Yetunde licked, Adaeze stroked my shaft with her tongue. When Yetunde moved to lick my shaft, Adaeze took the head in her mouth. She sucked on the head while her tongue moved rapidly against it. I started to worry that I would cum very quickly but realized that their intention was for me to cum in their mouths, not to last for their pussies.

Adaeze held my dick while Yetunde bobbed up and down over it, and then Yetunde held it for Adaeze to suck me.

At one point, Yetunde and Adaeze licked the sides of my shaft together, their tongues moving in synch up and down on opposite sides. That pushed me to the edge.

“Girls, I’m going to cum,” I announced with a strain in my voice.

“Who gets to eat it?” Yetunde asked, the intent evident in her voice. Adaeze wanted to share but the expression on her face showed something else. She didn’t want to give it up. She was thinking hard about something. After a few seconds, she spoke.

“Maybe we both can.” She looked to me as if asking permission but I didn’t know what she had in mind. She looked to Yetunde, inches away, as Yetunde’s tongue tasted more of my precum. “We could just keep licking and let him shoot on our faces.”

“I want to taste it,” Yetunde moaned.

“Me, too. We could …” She paused here, apparently gathering her courage. When she spoke, her voice was softer, practically a whisper. “We could lick it off each other, after.”

The implication of her statement hit my brain at the same time as it hit my dick. In response, my dick twitched. I knew Yetunde felt it. Yetunde’s eyes opened wider and she looked at Adaeze, not me.

“Are you sure?” she asked.

The two women had their eyes locked on each other. Adaeze smiled and gave a slight nod. Yetunde joined the smile. I held my breath. They turned in unison to my dick and began licking intently. Adaeze, between licks, told me, “Let us know just before you shoot.” I nodded, unable to speak at that moment.

They licked, their tongues now touching each other from time to time. My dick was twitching, both from the feel of their tongues and the thought of what I was about to witness. It didn’t take long. I felt the tightening, the tenseness, the throbbing.

“Now,” I kind of groaned. I arched my back, trying as hard as I could to keep my eyes open during the orgasm. I wanted to watch this.

They both licked the front of my shaft, passing the tips of their tongues over my slit. I felt my dick pulse twice, and then that warm liquid feeling took over. I cried out as the pleasure escalated almost to the pain level and saw the first spurt land across Yetunde’s cheek and nose.

Adaeze pushed in front and captured a strand on her cheek. The two tried to each catch as much as they could on their faces. A strand extended into Adaeze’s hair near her ear. Each face had caught a sizable amount. The sperm was starting to run down their faces.

Yetunde gave me a final suck before releasing my deflating cock.

Adaeze and Yetunde got up on their knees, facing each other. Adaeze put her hands on Yetunde’s shoulders. Yetunde put her arms around Adaeze’s neck. I couldn’t even breathe as they leaned towards each other and … licked. I couldn’t believe I was seeing my two fantasy women licking my cum from each other’s face.

It was indescribably erotic. As they licked, they leaned closer to each other. I saw their nipples touch and my dick desperately tried to get hard. If there had been any way, my dick would have gotten fully hard again. As it had been only moments since I ejaculated, the best it could do was a slight stiffening.

Instead of lying limply against my stomach, my dick held itself barely off my skin.

They moaned as they licked my cum off each other. They were really getting into it. I had to keep reminding myself to breathe I was so entranced by the spectacle. Yetunde followed that strand of cum to Adaeze’s ear, licking right in front of the lobe – Adaeze’s “special spot”. I saw my wife shudder and hug her friend a little tighter. Their breasts pressed more tightly together.

When my sperm was all cleaned up, they parted, still holding onto each other. They were kneeling facing each other. Yetunde gave Adaeze a look I didn’t understand. It lasted for at least three seconds. Adaeze raised an eyebrow, apparently giving consent for something. Yetunde leaned forward and they kissed.

It wasn’t just a touching of the lips. It was a French kiss. Their naked bodies pressed against each other, lips sliding together wetly. Through their cheeks, it was evident their tongues were participating as well as they shared my taste. That did it. My dick couldn’t stand by and let that happen without getting hard. I was partially erect again.

The kiss lasted a long time. It seemed to last for hours but was really only a minute or so. I couldn’t move, transfixed by the scene before me. My heart was pounding, my lungs screaming for me to breathe, my dick doing its best to stand up limply in salute. When they parted, they leaned back with their arms still loosely around each other. They regarded each other with a shy smile, a kind of “What have we just done?” look. Yetunde looked down, breaking the magical spell. Each drew a deep breath.

As if just then realizing they had an audience, Adaeze looked at me. Her face was happy but embarrassed.

“I can’t believe we just did that,” she said, a trace of laughter in her voice.

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Dr. Deolu Oniranu-Bubble

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