July 27, 2024

Edymaniac: Confessions of Lagos Runs Guy (Part 12)[18+]


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Edymaniac: Confessions of Lagos Runs Guy (Part 12)[18+]

Ginika was the daughter of Chiwendu, my very first, and very best, client. Chiwendu and I had an almost weekly appointment on Fridays, almost always to go to a party of some sort or just dinner, and almost always followed by sex.

She even took me with her on a vacation about four or five times a year for a week or so at a time, and she had been my client for four years when she made a very unusual request of me. She wanted me to have a session with Ginika, who, at 27, had never had an orgasm with a man.

I agreed to meet Ginika, we connected well, and I agreed to play out her fantasy of being a Dominatrix. Ginika had a pounding climax, and then we used a Hitachi vibrator together until we both came explosively.

After that, we talked for a while and found we had a real personal connection, something I wasn’t supposed to develop with any client, and something I found I was missing. It had been four years since I started working as an escort since I had a real personal relationship with a woman based on our mutual desires.

It was very confusing for me. And now she wanted to make love with me. Heartfelt, tender, caring sex.

I should elaborate a little. The woman I worked for, Damilare or “Dami” for short, told me to avoid developing any real, deep connection with the women I ‘escorted’. It wasn’t an order, but rather more of a warning, so as not to screw up my ability to do this line of work.

I wasn’t involved with anyone when I started and, much to my parent’s chagrin, I never mentioned or introduced them to a woman as someone serious in my life during those last 3 years. I deliberately avoided getting involved with anyone, not even going on a date.

And now here was a beautiful, petite woman my age (I was 27), and by talking, we were forming a connection closer than the one I had with her mother, who was in her mid-50s and whom I liked and knew very well by then. I felt that closeness after a single day because I let myself open up to her in a way I never did with any client before.

“Well, Kayode? What do you think? Do you think we could be real lovers?” Her eyes, dark brown and curious, were locked on mine. The first move, if there was to be one, was up to me. “I’d like to see if we have the kind of chemistry to maybe have a personal relationship, beyond just sexual. I’m very attracted to you.”

I looked back at Ginika with a distinct desire to satisfy a hunger I hadn’t felt in three years. I crawled across the bed, and I ended up right in her arms, embracing and kissing. We were kissing in a way I never, ever kissed a client.

This wasn’t work; this was what I wanted, for me as well as for her. I couldn’t even explain the way I was feeling. I barely knew this girl. It was only the second time we met and the first time we went to bed, and I felt an inner desire for her. Something personal.

We moaned as we gently rolled back and forth on the bed, from one side to the other. What remained of our clothes, mostly underwear was gone in a few seconds as our bodies rubbed together in a very intimate manner. My fingers traced the line down her spine and her sleek nails lightly scraped me behind my neck and across my shoulders. We were sending each other direct signals. We craved each other.

“I want to taste you, Kayode. I really didn’t get that pleasure before. It’s something I enjoy doing.” Ginika said that between kisses on my lightly hairy chest.

I sighed as I said “I never would deprive you of that bliss, Ginika. Or myself, for that matter.” I gave her a wink and a bit of a ball-busting grin.

“You’re fun” she responded with a sexy smile that made her eyes glow. “Now, let’s see if you taste as good as you look.” Ginika kept kissing my tummy, teasing my Pleasure Trail, that very sensitive region from my belly button to my pubic hairline.

Sensitive it was, and she blew softly on those very soft hairs. I squirmed beneath her as her hands lightly massaged my thighs, especially the inner part. Maybe she hadn’t had powerful orgasms with a man before that day, but she had skills. Someone was patient with her and taught her a few things.

Ginika didn’t rush things; she was teasing and fun. Her tongue moved lazily around the crown and head of my cock, then she moved down to my balls and sucked each one separately while she used her thumb on the glans. I was moaning involuntarily, and my hips kept lifting off the bed like I was trying to fuck her hand.

She shifted again so she was sucking my shaft again while her fingers toyed with my balls. I tangled my fingers in her short hair (it was cut short, but it was thick and there was plenty to grab onto) and tugged a little, pulling her mouth up and down. My cock was shining from her saliva and my balls were getting wet as well. I could have cum like that, but I wanted Ginika. As my lover, and as my playmate.

I pulled my cock away from her mouth and she gave me a slight pout. “Why did you do that, Kayode? I was having fun. And I would have loved to taste your cum. It’s a turn on for me.” Damn, she was so fucking sexy. Her eyes were shining like she had a real fire glowing inside.

“Maybe you can taste it when we finish, but I want you now. I want to make you cum from my cock, from the way I fuck you and kiss you.” I moved so she was on her back and I was climbing on top of her. She showed no reluctance at all; she wanted this as well, to see if I could help her cum from more traditional sex. From making love.

Her thighs were apart for me, inviting me, and her feet were pointing to the ceiling. She grabbed my face and we kissed rapidly and with great heat as the tip of my cock met with her lower lips. We both shuddered as I eased into her pussy, slow and steady. I made sure the top of my shaft grazed along her clit so she felt every millimeter of me. Her body shook as I bottomed out, not an orgasm, but I knew from experience it was a very intense feeling for her.

“Kayode, that’s just wonderful!” Ginika exclaimed with her eyes wide open. “I might not need a climax if you can keep doing that to me!”

We kissed hard a couple of times as my hips moved from side to side. “Oh, no, Babe. You’re going to enjoy this, every moment, just like I am. You feel great to me as well. We’re both going to have such a great time.”

I kissed her neck and shoulder as I moved in and out, nice and slow to start. Her French tip nails lightly scraped the back of my neck as Ginika closed her eyes and focused on the great pleasure we both were experiencing. Her breathing was irregular and deep while mine was steadier as I made sure I was doing everything I could to please her. I kissed her breasts, sucking on her aroused nipples, and I grabbed her round ass tightly in both hands as my movements gradually picked up the pace.

Ginika grabbed my hair and pulled my mouth to hers for a deep, urgent kiss. Her legs wrapped around my buttocks, controlling how much I could pull back. My cock was soaked, her juices were dripping down her cheeks and the wetness caused my balls to make slapping sounds every time I lunged into her.

I was grunting, looking down into her lovely face as I saw her features scrunch up. Then her eyes opened wide again and she urged me “Faster, Kayode! Do it harder! Oh my god, oh fuck, I’m so close!” I rolled us over, so she was on top, and I pressed my thumb to her swollen clit, pressing hard like a sticking button. Ginika smiled broadly and flipped her head back, thrust her tits forward, and she cried out “It’s happening! Oh fuck, Kayode I’m cummingggggggg!”

She screeched and thrust down hard to my hips as her muscles gripped my dick over and over, and it was only through years of practice that I was able to keep from cumming right then. Her hips were moving in tight circles as she kept thrusting aggressively. I knew what she wanted, and I used my other hand to pinch her thick nipples, and Ginika came again, bathing my groin in warm moisture.

Ginika fell to my side, shaking a little as she came to grips with her first climax from fucking a man. I lay there, my dick still stiff like a board, and I smiled at her as I stroked her legs, a soft touch that helped her mellow out. The way we were spread out, we almost filled the entire bed area.

When she settled down a little, I moved to her, getting behind her on our sides so I was spooning her. Ginika shifted back into the protection of my body and arms, making soft sounds of contentment. “You are an amazing man, Kayode. I can’t believe I finally came with a man, and it’s thanks to you. You sexy man!” She turned to face me and covered my face with kisses.

“I helped you, Ginika, but trust me, it really was almost all you. I think I just made you feel comfortable and safe in a way you’ve never felt before with a man. I don’t know why that is, but that would be my guess.”

She didn’t confirm or deny, she may not have been sure herself. She just snuggled against me before she noticed I was poking her tummy. “Kayode, you didn’t cum yet!” She reached down and grasped my cock, nice and gentle, making me moan in her ear. “Don’t you need to get off, sweetie?” Her voice was so sweet and sexy at the same time.

“Very much” I croaked. I was blazing hot and beyond eager to cum.

“What can I do for you, Kayode? I’ll do almost anything you like. I want to feel you explode.” Her words, her voice, were driving me to the next level of lust.

“Do you still want to taste my cum, Ginika? If you do… ”

“Oh, I do, Kayode. I want to taste YOUR cum. Sexy man.” Ginika kissed down my body, moving quickly this time, eager to suck on my cock and drain me of my essence. Before I knew it, I was on my back and she was bobbing up and down my shaft, her eyes pointed towards my feet and her body just a few inches from mine.

I touched her, her legs and thighs, caressing her ass, my hand wandering all over her slight curves. She sucked me hungrily, moving quickly but skillfully, and in mere minutes I arched my back, cried out softly, and burst like a river breaking through a dam. I was left limp and drained.

We stayed in each other’s arms for a while, silent, comfortably so. It was peaceful and it felt natural. I was very drawn to Ginika, and I could sense she felt the same towards me, and it wasn’t about sex. Well, not just about sex.

After a while, we were hungry, actually famished, so we got up and cleaned up before calling a fine restaurant (in that neighbourhood, almost every restaurant was a ‘fine’ one) and ordered some freshly baked bread, a chicken salad, and a delicious chicken stew, all to share. And I paid, something I hadn’t done with a woman in years. The business part of our date ended hours before. This was personal time, and Ginika was MY date.

We talked easily all during dinner, discovering the little things you usually discuss on a date. We just had done things kind of backward, having sex before the date part of the evening.

After we cleared away the dishes, it was time for me to get going. I hadn’t planned on how things worked out, I had no clean clothes with me, no personal grooming items, so I wasn’t prepared to spend the night. The next day, a Monday, was a day off for me and I had a bunch of things to do, and Ginika had to work the next day. As I dressed, Ginika sat on her bed and we had our first uncomfortable moments. Basically, we had to discuss where we went from there.

After talking about it for a few minutes, I decided to be more direct. “Ginika, I had a great time today. Both when we were on your time, and even more when we were just ourselves.” I was dressed now, and I sat next to her and took her hand in mine. “As you know, I haven’t had a personal relationship in years, and I think I really like to see you socially. But it’s complicated.”

“Complicated doesn’t begin to describe things, Kayode. Not only are you a gigolo, and I’m not trying to insult you when I say that, but your work times are mostly weekends, which is usually the only time I have to see someone. Friday night through Sunday.

And then there’s mom. Not only don’t I have an idea what we would tell her, but how the hell do we have a relationship while you continue to see her most Fridays? Shit, I’m competing with my mother for a man. Not exactly something I would have ever imagined.”

Ginika tried to smile, but it didn’t work. I didn’t feel much like smiling either. “Besides, how do we have a relationship when you’re ‘working’ all weekend long?”

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Written by
Dr. Deolu Oniranu-Bubble

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