July 26, 2024

Crazy Lenny: The Personal Training of Maid Jummy [Episode 20] (18+)


Home » Crazy Lenny: The Personal Training of Maid Jummy [Episode 20] (18+)

Crazy Lenny: The Personal Training of Maid Jummy [Episode 20] (18+)

I heard my mother’s long moan of anguish, followed by sobbing. Then muted, hateful voices. Then silence.

I leaned forward in my chair and put my face in my hands. I couldn’t believe it. Mother actually thought Dad had been fucking Jumoke? That Dad had impregnated her? The awful, scandalous allegation was the kind of thing that tore families apart. Worse, I was responsible for it.

I felt sick to my stomach, like I was going to puke. In saving my own secret relationship, I was ruining theirs.

I tried to console myself that my mother really was just drunk, that she didn’t know what she was saying, but that didn’t change the fact that I had never seen them blow up at each other like this before. My father didn’t deserve Mother at his throat. It was my fault. All of it.

At least Jumoke and I were safe for now. At least we had that. Blind, crazy luck got us through this first crisis, and thanks to my unwitting scapegoat of a father, things had worked out for the two of us better than any plan I had ever could. Just the cost, though, right? I felt guilty as hell.

I lost myself in the Call of Duty game for a couple more hours and lost track of time. Eventually, my parents must have gone to bed because Jumoke let herself into the room. My secret wife padded in barefoot, wearing a grey camisole top and a little pink print pyjama shorts. She smelled like a clean shower and that floral stuff she used.

If there was anything that could distract me from Call of Duty, it was the wanton, braless press of Jumoke’s large, shapely brown breasts swelling in the confines of the cotton slip. The lewdness of her long, bloated nipples clearly outlined in their needy push against the fabric. Her tits were just begging to be freed and tended to in the most vulgar way.

The small, low-hanging globe of her pregnancy competed for my attention with its rounded stretch of camisole and the dimple of her popped-out navel. And while hidden, her hairy, knocked-up cunt waited between her long, slinky legs, always hungry for my cock and its seed.

I felt my boxers start to tighten uncomfortably as my cock responded to the proximity of my mate.

Jumoke stood to the side behind me to watch for a minute, a hand covering her mouth as her eyes widened with muted shock at the arc of pixel blood and dismembered body parts. “Aieee…! Chizzi, why you play this game?? So scary!”

“Uh, it’s fun,” I explained bluntly while wrapping up a grisly fight against soldiers wielding grenade launchers. I paused the game and checked up at her totally blank expression.

As I watched Jumoke’s loving face, beautiful and loyal, it didn’t matter if we were sometimes a million miles apart from one another.

“Hey, are you okay?” I asked softly.

Jumoke frowned with the sexy pout of her brown lip, looking uneasy. Vulnerable. She didn’t look like she was going to cry, but was close. I got up out of my chair and wrapped my arms around her, drawing her to my chest and feeling her slender, tight little body against mine, all breasts and belly and sex. I knew she needed comfort but I couldn’t help but harden all the way down my trouser leg.

“I’m sorry about my mom,” I said, my chin resting atop her raven head. “She can be really shitty sometimes.”

Incredible understatement.

“You’re safe now and I’m gonna keep protecting you no matter what it takes,” I continued. More words that would’ve just been to get inside her again, but this time I really meant them. “I know it was hard, but I didn’t even have to threaten that I was gonna drop out or anything if they tried to fire you. My dad did all the work.”

“He’s a good man,” Jumoke murmured as she buried her face into my chest, hands on my shoulders. Her fingers curled as she pressed into me harder and whined. “But now Madaam think he fuck me, this his baby…!” She started sniffling again.

“Shhh, shhh. Don’t worry. It’s their problem, not ours. She’ll probably forget she said it in the morning anyway she’s so drunk.” I didn’t know that, but I had to say something to make her feel better. “My dad’s made the decision anyway, and she can’t do anything about it, so relax.”

We just held each other and breathed, drawing on our tender closeness. I loved how she always smelled good, even after a hard day of work. She took at least two showers every day to stay fresh in the wretched heat and humidity.

I knew she liked my scent too, especially the Gillette stuff I wore. I made sure I washed every morning and thoroughly after each afternoon practice, unlike a lot of guys I knew at school. Her breaths deepened as she took in my calming scent and rested heavily against my fit adolescent body. Eventually, Jumoke relaxed and moved apart just enough to lift her head and stretch her aching mouth for mine.

Her hot, succulent lips desperately sought my attention and comfort. I kissed my slutty mare back deeply, running a hand up the side of her neck to hold her cheek in my palm. I felt her big nipples stiffen as she pressed into me more fully, the curve of her belly firm between our bodies.

I was more patient than usual — I knew Jumoke loved to kiss and indulged her with open mouths and tongues. My other hand gripped her soft ass, squeezing out a squeal against my lips. She slinked back from me with a nip of her lower lip, giving me a sultry, loving look as her chest and belly rose and fell with excited breaths.

Jumoke pulled her camisole over her head, baring her lovely skin and full young mother’s breasts that bounced and hung pendulous on her lithe little body. I couldn’t help but imagine our squirming litter of twins latching on and suckling greedily on her fat breasts.

I still couldn’t believe I actually put two of my children in our housekeeper’s womb, but the proud, swollen proof was pushed out and growing quickly before me, the teenage father. The sight of her made me engorge fully, painfully choking my big cock inside my khakis.

I think my maid was thrilled that I still desired her despite her changing body — even more so because of it.

She slid her black-nailed fingers over the expanse of her small bump and down to the waist of her shorts, shimmying them down to pool at her feet.

The thick jungle of pubic hair covering her pussy and creeping up her pelvic line was already slick with her need, a trail of girl cream dripping down her brown inner thigh.

Jumoke sidled up to me with a hungry look, her hands gliding from my covered abs down to my crotch, sleek fingers working the button and fly of my trousers to get at the thick, straining black cock that was waiting for her.

With a slow unzip and pull on the waistband on either side, my big dick sprang free, engorged, and rock-hard with desire. My woman let out a husky, feminine purr as she took it into her hands and knelt down between my legs.

She settled on her knees and looked up at me with sinful adoration, both hands wrapped possessively around the long length of my shaft. Jumoke tugged me down to sit on the office chair by my cock, bringing it to the level of her thirsty mouth.

There’s nothing on earth sexier than a hot woman kneeling naked and yearning between your legs with her lips around your dick. The sight’s just so subservient, so submissive, and natural enough to them that it’s like they were born to suck cock.

Jumoke sure as hell was the price of her seduction and addiction to her young male so evident now in her bloated womb. Pregnant, naked, and on her knees sucking me off. Dutifully, lovingly servicing me after a long day of work and carrying a bellyful of our twin offspring around. It was so fucking sexy.

As Jumoke swallowed me over and over, I firmly held her at her temples, my head knocked back against the chair’s headrest. My dick looked obscenely large and long in her mouth and hands. I groaned quietly as my hips started to thrust gently but impatiently between her lips. I couldn’t help but think what would happen if my mother came down and saw us.

She would know that I had given into my basest adolescent lusts and done the unthinkable — impregnated our house help. The precious purity of her lineage forever tainted. Firstborn grandchildren whelped by the housekeeper she so looked down upon. Life-shattering shame. The sick risk made me even more excited as my secret babe licked and sucked my throbbing dick like a total whore.

Eventually, Jumoke got tired and let me slip free from her little mouth, my cockhead bouncing down onto her neck dimple, and upper chest, trailing strands of saliva. She fought for breath, clearly disappointed that she still couldn’t fit enough of me between her jaws or down her slender throat.

“You wan…fuck my boob?” Jumoke offered in her thick accent with a subdued but wanton look, taking two handfuls of her large breasts and pressing them together enticingly.

I nodded and she pulled my pants down around my ankles while I peeled my shirt off with an eager grin. My maid arched her back a little to push out her bust and enveloped my cock in the warm, soft valley between her swollen breasts.

The mushroom head and some of my shaft peeked out of the top of her cleavage as she held her breasts together. Jumoke looked into my eyes with mischievous, loving longing before she gave a whorish spat on my cockhead to lube up the velvety passage.

I started a slow thrust as I looked back at her with lowered lids. The breast flesh and dark nipples between her splayed fingers looked mouthwatering as she used them for my pleasure. Jumoke was transfixed by my big member sliding in and out, teasing me with little feral snaps of her teeth when it got too close to her mouth. I growled back at her, lost in the exquisite feeling of her body.

“Too beeg for my mouth, too beeg for boob,” Jumoke taunted dirtily as my cock fucked between her tits. She spat on it again before pulling her breasts even tighter, running them up and down as my sack slapped against her sternum. “Everything wit you so beeeeeg,” she huffed playfully in that thick accent of hers, words growing huskier. “Big diick, big body, big ball and cum to make big baybee. Always wan fuck, always dirty, make big trouble for me…”

Jumoke craned her neck down to open her mouth and swallow me with a lusty gulp, sucking me long and hard as I pumped against her tits. She let me go with a lingering lap of her tongue.

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Written by
Dr. Deolu Oniranu-Bubble

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