July 27, 2024

Average Joe: Helping the Neighbour’s Wife VIII (18+)


Home » Average Joe: Helping the Neighbour’s Wife VIII (18+)

Average Joe: Helping the Neighbour’s Wife VIII (18+)

Hello Ladies & Gentlemen,

Just before we go into today’s story. A quick update about The Oniranu Hangout, Lagos, the date has been set, and the venue has been found, because we are not able to accommodate everyone, we are only opening the event to registered readers. If you are interested in attending it. The details are as follows.

Date: Saturday, August 6th, 2022 / Location: Victoria Island, Lagos / Time: 6 PM / Confirm attendance by filling this form here -> https://forms.gle/Mor3WQtpeWq4FxDm8

The location will only be revealed a few days before the event, and only to registered readers. Whoever isn’t registered with their names on the list will not be allowed entry. Please register, and register soon, we have limited spaces. Thanks!


I groaned and exclaimed, “Fuck, you are so fucking horny….”

Then my eyes opened and I snapped back into the guilty reality that I was shooting cum into my wife’s mouth, not Chioma’s, and that my hand was pressed on my wife’s head, forcing her to stay in position as I shot my load of spunk into her throat. I could feel Bisola gagging slightly, but could also feel her swallowing as I came inside her mouth. Taking my cum, and no doubt thinking with happiness that the exclamation had been aimed at her and not her best friend.

I released the pressure on the back of her head, self-loathing flowing over me in conjunction with the second release of my lust that evening. My wife had wanted to pleasure me to make me hers again, and I had once more betrayed her with my adulterous thoughts, had once again placed her friend above her in my thoughts of sexual desire.

Bisola continued to swallow the rest of my spunk, before sliding away from my cock and standing up. Oblivious to my inner turmoil, and alive with the joy and satisfaction of pleasuring her husband, she smiled at me and ran her hand onto my neck, caressing me briefly.

Then she turned away from me and bent forwards to place her hands on the third stair on the staircase, her ass pointing up and out at me. She was still wearing her boots, and her cotton dress rode up high at the back of her calves. “Now fuck me,” she stated, almost in a tone of command. “I need my husband’s dick inside me.”

I turned round to come behind her, my dick still rock hard even after the orgasm seconds earlier. I slid the dress up to rest it around her hips, such that her black panties were displayed to me, then pulled the panties down such that she could shake them down her hips and off over her shoes.

I placed my cock at her vagina entrance, put my hands on her hips and then, in direct contrast to the slow teasing way my sex had entered Chioma earlier that evening, I entered Bisola in one swift hard movement. “That’s it, fuck me hard,” she demanded of me.

I was a guilty, adulterous betrayer, I thought, as I started to fuck my wife, my thick cock sliding in and out of her already wet cunt. I had cheated on her with my thoughts and my body. Bisola however was not aware of this so it could not impede her own need for quick satisfaction, and she promptly started to moan while I used my hands on her hips to forcefully pull her back onto my dick.

This was the first time I had revisited her vagina since the revelation which had been sex with Chioma, and I realised instantly that her pussy could not compare to her best friend’s exquisite cunt, that it did not deliciously grip me and envelop me in the way that Chioma’s had. Of course, Bisola was completely unaware of this as her panting continued in front of me while I fucked her, my cock entering her to the hilt such that my hips banged into her ass.

“Oh…” moaned Bisola, “That’s it…fuck me, fuck me hard.” Her breasts shook every time I slammed into her from behind, pulling her onto me with increased force and vigour.

She was almost grunting now with every powerful entry, but despite her enjoyment, I was too shockingly aware of the unflattering comparison I was making, that Bisola’s pussy just was not capable of providing the peerless sensation her best friend had given to me earlier, and I felt somehow angry that Bisola’s cunt would forever now be diminished for me.

“God…..nnnnnn…..nnnnnnn,” she uttered, making sounds that were more animal-like and primal with each firm thrust. “That’s it, husband, give it to me.”

I was hammering into her for minutes, my stamina extended significantly by the two orgasms I had already experienced that evening, and there was no question that she was building up to a very explosive orgasm herself, as her moans and squeals were becoming more extended and high-pitched with every thrust. Her cunt was sopping wet around me, and the tip of my dick slammed into the deepest part of her as my body banged into her ass.

“Ohhhh……nnnnnn….nnnnnn…” she uttered, now a slave herself to the power of the fucking she was receiving.

Her ass was twisting in front of me as her orgasm drew closer, such that I had to continually drag her back onto my dick, giving her no respite from the pounding she was taking. She was getting very close, but with slight alarm I knew that a further orgasm for myself suddenly seemed a very distant prospect, and I could not escape the thought that her cunt felt so inferior to Chioma’s.

“Oh, I am going to cum….” she finally screamed as I fucked her in our hallway If there was one sure way to alert Bisola that there was more to the encounter with Chioma than I had indicated, it would be if I failed to cum while fucking her. But as my wife’s familiar body writhed in front of me, impaled on my cock, I knew with adulterous resignation what I would have to do if I wanted to find release. So it was that as she started to shake around me, her legs buckling slightly and her cunt starting to quiver as her orgasm arrived, that I closed my eyes again…

….and I was above Chioma again, savouring those first few moments after entering her, when she had looked down at our joined sexes with anxious confusion, while I marvelled at the sensation of her silken cunt….then I jumped to the moment when I had fucked her to orgasm, and my spunk was filling her, pumping into her, overwhelming her with lust as we ground our bodies together…

And at last my third and final orgasm of the evening arrived, my sperm shooting into my wife’s vagina as she screamed in front of me in the throes of what was an almighty orgasm.

“Oh… fuck, that was so good,” she said finally, panting heavily to catch her breath while leaning back into me, my cock still inside her, and turning to kiss me.

I wrapped my arms around her chest and waist from behind, returning the kiss, feeling even more guilt over what had just happened.

“I love you,” she whispered, breaking the kiss.

“I love you too,” I replied, but even as I said it I knew that I had already made my own decision that I would be returning to her best friend’s arms and losing myself in lust with Chioma the next evening. I did not have the willpower to resist the sexual desire that I now felt for Bisola’s best friend, and the only person who would now stop me returning for more of the delicious experience of infidelity was Chioma herself.


And so, there I was, almost 22 hours later, my hand poised at the door handle to the guest room in Chioma and Nnamdi’s house.

The day which had just passed had seemed to extend without end, filled with nervous anxiety that the phone was going to ring at any given point, delivering the message I did not want to hear. During working hours, every time my Personal Assistant Sarah had put a call through, I had been expecting it to be Bisola passing on the news that would end my adulterous sexual adventure, announcing that Chioma had called the whole idea off, had decided not to try for a second time.

Indeed, my productivity for the day had disappeared among recollections of the evening before, memos and emails eclipsed by images of sex and spent lust.

But lunchtime had come, and still, Chioma had not phoned to cancel, nor had the call come throughout the long afternoon. Then, when I got home from work and Bisola had greeted me, I was expecting it to be the first thing that she announced that Chioma had decided not to have a second attempt. Instead, I was kissed on the cheek and informed that we were having pizza for dinner.

And so, the whole day had passed but the call to cancel had not come, to my excited delight. Whatever thoughts of guilt and shame Chioma had felt as a result of last night, none of these had been enough to overcome either her desire to get pregnant or her need to feel my cock inside her again. This meant that she had consciously decided to have a second sexual encounter with me, and had decided to invite me back despite knowing that I had produced a sexual response in her cunt with my dick which her husband had never been capable of providing.

When Bisola and I had therefore arrived at Chioma and Nnamdi’s house, we had been greeted just by Nnamdi, with the music from the downstairs stereo already turned up to an uncomfortably loud level. Apparently, Chioma was waiting upstairs, and so as I made ready to head upstairs and again fuck her best friend, Bisola kissed me on the cheek and told me that she would be waiting for me. Noticeably, Nnamdi did not shake my hand tonight, but made an awkward gesturing motion towards the stairs, before turning and walking into his living room.

My hand paused at the door handle to the guest room. Should I knock first, should I show proper social etiquette to the woman I had pumped my sperm into the night before? I decided not to, and turned the door handle and entered the room.

Chioma sat at the side of the bed, and she turned to look at me as soon as I entered the room.

“So, you decided to come?” she asked, neutrally, her fantastic brown eyes finding mine instantly. I noticed immediately that she was wearing a red silk dressing gown, strapped at the waist, which came halfway down her thighs as she sat at the side of the bed. Her silky black hair looked lustrous tonight, resting fully on her shoulders as if she had been brushing it out only moments before, and her lips looked glossy. And there was definitely a stronger essence of her perfume in the room. With excitement, I recognised that she had prepared herself for my visit.

“Yes,” I replied. “So, you decided not to cancel?”

“I decided not to cancel,” she repeated, the words and their implications left lingering for seconds after she had said them.

“And what about Nnamdi and Bisola?” I asked, my confidence growing slightly as I realised that things were definitely going ahead.

She frowned, then replied, “They must never know what happens in this room. Whatever happens. It will destroy our marriages and our friendships if they find out. We broke so many of Bisola’s rules last night.”

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Written by
Dr. Deolu Oniranu-Bubble

Follow @deolububble

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